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How can I get to Manza Onsen Nisshinkan? 2022/11/16 22:36

I booked a room at Manza Onsen Nisshinkan through expedia, and I'm looking for information on how to get there from Tokyo.

I see some info on how to get to Manza using public transit but nothing on how to get to the hotel from the station. It looks like the hotel is too far from the closest station for me to walk.

Should I take a taxi to the hotel from the station, and if so are taxis usually available?
Is there a charter bus that goes to this hotel from Tokyo and would it be available to me if I didn't book on their website? I wouldn't mind paying an additional fee to use the bus since this would be the most convenient method I think.

Thank you!
by Julia (guest)  

Re: How can I get to Manza Onsen Nisshinkan? 2022/11/17 06:38
Access is explained here:

From the Manza Bus Terminal it is about 1.5 kilometers uphill along a relatively steep and snow-covered road.

In addition, the Nisshinkan has a free shuttle bus from Karuizawa which should be reserved in advance (tel 0279-97-3131):
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: How can I get to Manza Onsen Nisshinkan? 2022/11/17 10:14

I remenber visting Manza Onsen Nisshin Kan a few years ago with their free shuttle from Shunjuku, excellent value, please check:
by liem (guest) rate this post as useful

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