Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Does anyone know anything about this guy? 2024/4/22 17:46
His name is Tomohisa Okudo, according to my knowledge, he has released only one piano album in 2012.
That's almost all I know about him, for years, I couldn't find anymore information about him on the internet, maybe I can find some information on japanese websites, but my japanese is not good enough, there's always difficulty, so I just have no idea.
To be honest, he is among my favorite musicians in the world, but at the same time, he is the most mysterious one.
I don't understand how a artist can be so mysterious.
Any information about him would be very helpful to me.
Thanks in advance.
by Kangaemasen (guest)  

Re: Does anyone know anything about this guy? 2024/4/23 07:47
I guess you must be referring to this pianist (a link to his album)

I can’t find any info beyond the fact that his name is written as 奥戸巴寿 in kanji.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Does anyone know anything about this guy? 2024/4/23 12:10
Making music and selling it are two extremely different things. I suppose he has chosen the less exposed path in his life. Thanks to AK, you can search his name in kanji to see info on search engines, Youtube, X and perhaps some other social media, but it seems he only has one major album out.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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